
Action Michael, Action DJ, Rog-R-Bot and the Fire-Breathing French Dragon: as told by one of my 6th graders.

This is action figure dj, and action figure michael. They work at an electronic store called Directdisc, which is owned by a fire-breathing french dragon. The fire-breathing french dragon runs his shop like Donald Trump, telling everyone that they are fired.

Action figure Michael comes with a giant mustache/wings. He used to be a semi professional football player, but his mustache/wings prevented him from making plays, because it was so heavy. And people couldn't see the number on his jersey. He wants a new job, but it's tough in this market.

Action figure dj comes with a some mini wings, a fire extinguisher and a pet transformer named Rog-R-bot. Action figure dj used to work at a car wash, but left when he kept getting soap in his eyes, and spent all day rinsing them out.

As for Rog-R-Bot, he used to have his own kids show called 'Mr. Rog-R-Bot' where he taught preschoolers about traffic safety, but was kicked off because it stunk.

The End.

Tune in next week, when in the year 3035 AD, action figure Michael and action figure dj fight over 'love interest'. action figure dj loses his hovercraft-truck and action figure Michael uses his mustache to win over the ladies.

one love, one heart.


Vinyl Junction said...

Where in the world did you ever get an action figure that actually looks like you!?

That is awesome. And that does look like a Value Village sweater you are wearing.

OK Chick said...

Action figure dj used to work at a car wash, but left when he kept getting soap in his eyes, and spent all day rinsing them out.

LOL! Seriously, I'm still laughing!