
Guest Blog from OK Chick

Hola Blogger World! I’m OK Chick, and I am your guest blogger. Now, I assume most of DJ’s readers reside in sunny, beautiful, close to the beach, CA? Well, I reside in Oklahoma. It’s possible; some of DJ’s sunny CA readers have a misconception about my fine state. I mean really, who comes to Oklahoma for vacation? No one. Furthermore, I’m sure what national news coverage we’ve received; hasn’t been flattering. I realize you’ve probably seen the shirtless redneck, missing two front teeth, give his tale of the tornado, which just destroyed his mobile home. Well Blogger World, there’s more to Oklahoma than rednecks, OU Sooners Football, Indians/Tepees, Barry Switzer, Toby Keith, and Garth Brooks. So please, step inside my world.

We have a lot of it here in Oklahoma. I know everyone thinks Chicago is the Windy City, but that’s only because Oklahoma wasn’t counted as a state when Chicago claimed the nickname. Really, Oklahoma City should be called the Windy City. This morning I was up at 5:15am for a run. Do you know that the wind was already blowing 22 mph? True story.

No, not the sound made by lighting; the basketball team. Last year we stole an NBA team from Seattle, and changed their name to Thunder. It has made Oklahoma Thunder one of the most hated professional sport organizations in history; or so my buddy Bill Simmons from ESPN.com argues. Whatever, we have an NBA team and Seattle doesn’t. Get over it! We pack The Ford Center every game to see our Thunder lose. Besides, I support Seattle economy almost every day by stopping at Starbucks. It’s practically even. Folks, I buy a lot of nonfat Chais.

Oklahoma and Texas is basically the same thing
I would like for you to erase that statement from your brain. Go ahead- erase it. We are nothing like Texas. Have you met people from Texas? They have big hair, huge belt buckles, and talk with reeaaalll Southern accents. We Oklahomans like to keep our hair and belt buckles to a minimum level. Also, we do not talk with Southern accents. Fine! If you go to the backwoods of Oklahoma, waaaay south, you’ll find some folks that speak with southern accents. But here in OKC, no way. Also, I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Red River Rivalry? Yea, that right there proves how much the two states hate each other.

Yes, we are more on the hefty size here in Oklahoma. It’s to be blamed on all the fried chicken, turkey legs, Indian tacos, bbq, fried okra, biscuits and gravy, and Sonic slushies we consume. Last year OKC Mayor made Oklahoma’s weight his top priority. He went on every nationwide news show and called our state fat. Yeah, it was a great moment. He challenged our stated to lose one million pounds in a year. It’s been over a year and we’ve lost 300,000 pounds. Needless to say, we don’t care that we’re fat because fried okra dipped in ranch is dang good!

Down here people acknowledge each other. It’s not out of character to have a stranger strike up a conversation with you in line at Wal-Mart. However, I do not fit this mold. If I’m in Wal-Mart and I spot someone from High School; I will run and hide. If it helps me avoid having meaningless talk with them, I’ll go stand in the dog food isle for ten minutes. BUT generally, everyone is very friendly in this part of the world. Not saying the people of sunny CA are not friendly, but we’re REAL friendly around here.

We have a lot of these in Oklahoma. Tornadoes are kind of a big deal around here. We take our weather and weather people very serious, probably more than most state. Every true Oklahoman knows what weather person is associated with each channel; and each person has “their weather person”. It’s kind of your go-to person when the sky is dark and it’s raining. I’m more of a Gary England girl. He’s on CBS. Lord Gary, as we call him, has been tracking tornadoes for 100 years. Really, he’s old. I trust a person that has lots of experience in this field. Also, he’s so funny to watch on TV. When he starts cussing it’s hilarious! Oh and they have even developed a drinking game for Lord Gary/Tornado Season. I’ve never played. I prefer to be sober during tornadoes. You know, in case a tornado comes ripping down my street, and I need to get in the closet.

Hopefully, I’ve cleared up any misconceptions. By the way, I’m jealous of you folks that live in sunny CA. You have the beach!

**be sure to check out OK Chick's Blog, it's a must read!

one love, one heart.


d.j. iverson said...

This is awesome. You had me at Lord Gary.

TC said...

If I’m in Wal-Mart and I spot someone from High School; I will run and hide.

ROFL Me too!!!!! Why? Well, there is a story about what happened one time to me in Wal Mart when I didn't in my archives. Bad, bad scene.

P.S. No one vacations in Wisconsin either.

OK Chick said...

HAHA! Yeah I can't say I've been to WI, or thought of visiting.