
I think I can sum up the show for you with one word: nothing.

scattered thoughts from the past few days:

1. No soda for a year. Just to see if I can.
2. Pray for 5 different facebook friends everyday.

Sublime Moment of the Day
I decided to take the long way home tonight and ended up in downtown watching planes land.

I want to get a new Chargers jersey, but I'm having trouble deciding which one would be ideal. The choices are:
#4 Farve
#17 Friesz
#9 McMahon
#19 Unitas
#16 Leaf
#1 Manning

Out of the ordinary.
Do you ever have a day where you're not really into any of your typical music so you throw in some destiny's child or 80's arena rock and just rock out?

Celebrity birthdays for 1/7/09
Nicholas Cage 45
David Caruso 53
Sammo Hung 57
Erin Gray 59
Ray Bailey 30
Screech 32
Katie Couric 52
Kenny Loggins 61
Doug E. Doug timeless

Other 1/7 highlights:
The first U.S. presidential election was held in 1789.
The Harlem Globetrotters played their first game in 1927.

There are not enough trees on God's green earth to print the money it would take to get me to do this, but man if these guys aren't crazy cool.

Ann Coulter is just crazy. She needs a hug. And a burger.

Bromance has replaced 'celebreality' as the number one word that should not exist.

Death Cab for Cutie is great music for sitting out on the porch at night looking out over la mesa.

The Bible is a great read on a quiet evening. or any evening.

Catching up with old friends is always fun. whether its checking out a facebook page, a late night chat, or grabbing a bite to eat.

Honey Nut Cheerios make a great late night snack.

Playing Guitar is a great way to chill at the end of a long day.

later blogworld.

one love, one heart.

1 comment:

OK Chick said...

No soda for a year. Just to see if I can.

You can!